The best way to explain how food intolerance testing can help you is to give you a real-life example. Late last fall, a client came to us because she had been suffering from debilitating headaches for several months. She ordered a FOODTEST 200+ food intolerance test online and received her results in late December. Based on the nutritionist’s recommendations, she began to remove the reactive foods from her diet. As of February, this FOODTEST 200+ client has been headache free for 22 days!

What is food intolerance?
Food intolerance is essentially an abnormal reaction to certain foods which can manifest itself in a number of ways.
Address: 2049 Diósd, Álmos fejedelem u. 27.
Phone: +36 1 424 0969
Fax: +36 1 226 2064
E-mail: info@foodtest.hu