There are many symptoms associated with food intolerances and as they tend to be delayed it can be difficult to determine which food is causing the problem, and therefore tests for IgG antibodies can be extremely valuable.
Symptoms include:
– Arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain
– Asthma
– Anxiety, depression
– Auto-immune disorders
– Attention deficit or hyperactivity disorders
– Bed wetting and chronic bladder infections
– Bowel problems (colitis, IBD, IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence,)
– Chronic respiratory symptoms (wheezing/ bronchitis)
– Dark circles or puffiness under the eyes
– Fatigue
– Headaches or migraine
– Insomnia, lethargy, “fogginess”,
– Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
– Palpitations
– Persistent cough, catarrh
– Sinusitis
– Skin disorders including eczema, rashes and spots
– Water retention
– Weight retention problems

What is food intolerance?
Food intolerance is essentially an abnormal reaction to certain foods which can manifest itself in a number of ways.
Address: 2049 Diósd, Álmos fejedelem u. 27.
Phone: +36 1 424 0969
Fax: +36 1 226 2064
E-mail: info@foodtest.hu