- Most people are unaware that they are eating foods that make them sick.
- IgG reactions are much more common than IgE reactions, affecting as many as 1/3 of the general population.
- IgG reactions that cause food intolerance take hours to days to develop; making them very difficult to uncover without FOODTEST 200+.
- More than 100 diseases and conditions are associated with food intolerance.
- More than 2/3 of people with chronic health conditions have IgG reactions to food.

What is food intolerance?
Food intolerance is essentially an abnormal reaction to certain foods which can manifest itself in a number of ways.
Address: 2049 Diósd, Álmos fejedelem u. 27.
Phone: +36 1 424 0969
Fax: +36 1 226 2064
E-mail: info@foodtest.hu