Nutrition in the Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Neglected but Important Aspect
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is multidetermined and complex, requiring a multifaceted treatment approach. Nutritional management is one aspect that has been relatively neglected to date. Nutritional factors such as food additives, refined sugars, food sensitivities/allergies, and fatty acid deficiencies have all been linked to ADHD. There is increasing evidence that many children with behavioral problems are sensitive to one or more food components that can negatively impact their behavior. Individual response is an important factor for determining the proper approach in treating children with ADHD. In general, diet modification plays a major role in the management of ADHD and should be considered as part of the treatment protocol.
Assessment and management of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults
ADHD is estimated to affect 2-6% of adults. The symptoms in adults with ADHD mirror those in children with the disorder and associated with significant educational, occupational and interpersonal difficulties. Double-blind placebo controlled trials have established that adult ADHD is responsive to stimulant medication treatment. New medications and psychotherapeutic approaches are being developed in an effort to achieve optimal treatment effects in this population. We review the available literature and provide an approach to assessment and management of ADHD in adults.
ADHD: Is genetics the only cause?
The following story demonstrates the typical frustrations of the mother of a child with ADHD: “My son would swing between fits of anger and fits of exuberance. His school called me and said that we had to do something about it immediately. The only way to get my child to take part in the classroom was to give him psychiatric medication. It saved him from being an outsider. With the medication, my child became a good pupil and he finally came to know the feeling of success. At home though, he stopped laughing and had suicidal thoughts. Give your child psychiatric medication, and you are a bad mother. Don’t medicate your child, and you’re still a bad mother.”
A Rational Approach To Attention and Hyperactivity Issues
A suggested nutritional protocol to support atention and hyperactivity concerns.
Efffects of food onphysical and sleep complaints in children with ADHD: a randomised controlled pilot study
ADHD is a common behavioural disorder in children, may be associated with comorbid physical and sleep complaints. Dietary intervention studies have shown convincing evidence of efficacy in reducing ADHD symptoms in children. In this pilot study, we investigated the efffects of an elimination diet on physical and sleep complaints in children with ADHD.
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